When someone gets on the internet for the very first time, and they want to earn money in their spare time, they have a lot of questions they will want to ask.

I will seek to answer those questions here, as well as to provide a Day Planner to enable the new online entrepreneur to navigate the maze of building a successful online business.

When I find great advice by other writers, I will include that information as well. --- Clinton Douglas IV, Founder of Vasrue.com

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What Your Customers Really Crave

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2008 Andrea Conway

Your customers want something from you. It's not your rock-bottom prices. Not your wacky publicity stunts. Not your mastery of Google ads, social networking sites, or brilliant podcasting techniques.

Sure, that stuff gets their attention. And I hope it goes without saying that you must offer a quality product with excellent customer service.

But beyond those givens, what customers really crave is ... you.

Your originality.

To keep customers, allow them to see into your heart and soul. They want that connection. We all do.

In this attraction-based universe, your perfect customers are drawn to your energy and you to theirs. But they can't be drawn if you're not beaming an original signal to attract them.

Back in the early 90s I did a lot of copywriting for huge corporations about "customer retention," "customer loyalty," and "customer satisfaction."

The VPs of marketing who hired me didn't want to hear about heart, soul and deep connections.

Fortunately, today is the era of the individual entrepreneur. Most creative people these days want to have their own businesses and control their own time and destiny.

It's finally OK to express our authentic selves in business! In fact, it's imperative that we do so.

Why imperative? Because the Internet has created one vast marketplace in which millions of individual entrepreneurs compete.

Stressing out about competition isn't necessary when you express who you really are. The Law of Attraction broadcasts your originality to everyone you can serve.

Take Dave, the enthusiastically original owner of the UPS store franchise where I receive my mail. His sincere interest in his business keeps me from switching to any of his rivals, though there are half a dozen mailbox store franchises within two miles of me.

Dave knows my name, greets me cheerfully, offers to take care of my copying jobs while I run other errands, and forwards my mail religiously when I'm in Arizona for the winter.

Two years ago, when Dave's youngest son died unexpectedly, he bravely expressed his grief and agony to his customers. That took guts.

People often ask me for "tips and techniques" they can use with the Law of Attraction to become more successful. Their requests come from an outdated business model based on manipulation.

Why struggle to manipulate? Relax, be your original self, and allow the Law of Attraction to bring your perfect customers to you.

About the Author:
Andrea Conway, M.Ed., C.C., is the law of attraction success mentor for solopreneurs and small business owners ready to make all the money they want at the business they love. Get an instant bonus e-report, "Fire Up Your Business Success Using the Law of Attraction," when you subscribe to her free e-zine at http://www.succcessfulselfemployment.com. You could qualify for a free 30-minute coaching session!