When someone gets on the internet for the very first time, and they want to earn money in their spare time, they have a lot of questions they will want to ask.

I will seek to answer those questions here, as well as to provide a Day Planner to enable the new online entrepreneur to navigate the maze of building a successful online business.

When I find great advice by other writers, I will include that information as well. --- Clinton Douglas IV, Founder of Vasrue.com

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hate Squeeze Pages? A PDF Popup Is More Polite

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2008 Willie Crawford

"The money's in the list." That's what we've all been taught in the Internet marketing niche. To many that translates into "you really, really need to focus on building your list."

Unfortunately, for many that means "doing whatever it takes to force, trick, or bribe people onto your list."

I'm not knocking list-building. I have a database of WAY over half-a-million (across numerous niches).

Experience has taught me that it's not really about list-building though.

It's about relationship building. Internet marketers know that many people HATE being "squeezed" in order to get a free gift. They know that people don't want to be forced to joint their list in order to read an ebook, or in many cases even to read a sales page. That's what the squeeze page often forces upon website visitors though.

Incase you're not familiar with squeeze pages, a squeeze page is a page that a prospect is driven to, and then, in order to get past that page they have to subscribe to a list.

Perhaps they read about a really great free ebook, video or audio. They arrive at the website salivating for this great freebie that they've read about, and when they get there they're told that they have to join some newsletter that they're not sure that they want - as a condition to get what they really want.

To many marketers it's a fair trade. However, it starts the relationship off on a contentious footing.

Perhaps they were told about a seminar or tele-class, and when they arrived at the webpage to get more details, they have to fill in a subscribe form before they can even read the details of the event.

Yes, those who really want the information, will fill out the form in order to get past the page, and many believe that those willing to "jump through hoops" are better qualified. Testing backs that line of thinking up.

Those who use these squeeze pages understand that most people don't buy on the first visit. Without a way to remind them of who you are, they'll probably never return to your webpage. So, in order to be able to follow-up with that visitor, they force the visitor to join an email list.

In some places, I've been using a much gentler approach, with outstanding results. I offer my website visitors a free PDF that delivers tremendous value. After they've read the pdf and benefited from our association, I then invite them to subscribe to my ezine to get more great information.

I let the proven value of my product "sell" the prospect on joining my list. That not only turns them into a new "list member," it often turns them into a raving fan.

Reports that I've given away recently using this model cover topics such as:

  • How to Drive More Traffic to Your YouTube Videos

  • How to Become An Ecommerce Consultant To Offline Businesses

  • How to Get 1000 Subscribers In The Next 30 Days

  • How to Actually Generate Residual Income - Experience Shared By Those Actually Doing It

  • How To Market Yourself On Social Networking Sites

  • I've actually created about 2 dozen ebooks that use this strategy, and I offer them in numerous niches.

    The way my gentler system works is that after they've read my free ebook, when they close it they get a popup requesting that they join my list.

    The popup contains my standard subscribe form that feeds right into my autoresponders. A very large number of people fill in these forms and join my lists everyday.

    Since they voluntarily joined my list, instead of being squeezed into doing it, we start the relationship off on friendlier terms, and provided I deliver quality information, they stay longer.

    You can see a video demonstration of how I set my PDF's up at: http://HowToAddAPDFPopup.com

    I still have squeeze pages on many sites, but as I watch the results from this process, I'm beginning to see that it's a much more productive approach.

    It respects the future subscriber more.

    It doesn't force people on your list who don't want to be there and can't wait to get off of it.

    You don't get your database polluted with fake email addresses, or email addresses that are never checked.

    Think about it. If you hate being "squeezed" should you really be doing it to your new clients?

    About the Author:
    Willie Crawford has been teaching proven effective internet marketing techniques for 12 years. To learn more of Willie's tactics and tips, just drop by his frequently updated blog at: http://WillieCrawford.com/blog/