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Copyright © 2009 Scott Bywater
Before we go any further, I want you to take a look at the image below...
What you can see is a photo of the papaya fruit which I enjoyed last weekend.
But why on earth would I take a photo of a papaya fruit?
It's really quite simple. The papaya fruit got me thinking about a few things.
You see, in the middle of that luscious piece of fruit there are literally dozens of little seeds.
But they all started from one tiny little seed. In fact, the whole papaya tree which contains hundreds of papaya fruit which contain hundreds of seeds, all started from one tiny little seed.
It's really quite mind blowing, isn't it.
One seed creates a tree. One tree creates hundreds of papaya's. And those papaya's go on to create hundreds of trees.
But let's consider something else.
Probably 99% of those seeds fail to germinate... get washed away by the rain... die before they live their full potential.
And isn't the marketing world the same?
You have to send hundreds of letters in many cases to get a response.
You have to talk to a number of people to generate a sale.
Hundreds of people need to click on your google adwords to get a handful of people to your site... and many people need to see your site before a sale or quote is generated.
But here's something to keep in mind.
You cannot force a seed to germinate.
It either does or it doesn't.
And you cannot force someone to purchase your product or service.
They either will or they won't.
You can nurture a seed. You can give it the environment it needs to grow, the same way as you nurture a client.
But you cannot force.
However you can decide to place more seeds.
And when you join I'll show you over a dozen ways to plant thousands of seeds including fax marketing, newspaper advertising, social media, article marketing, the "frame" mailer to get big clients, public relations, affiliate programs, joint ventures and much, much more.
Remember, the more seeds you plant and the better you are at planting them, the more abundant your harvest will be...
About the Author:
Scott Bywater is a successful direct response copywriter and heads up Copywriting That Sells, a direct response advertising firm. Want to learn how to get more customers - then get your hands on his popular 17 page ebook "7 ways To Increase Your Turnover... No Matter What The State Of The Economy." It's been downloaded by over 8,247 business owners over the past five years and you can get your hands on it now at
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